
What is a Secretome

The term secretome refers to a set of proteins that includes extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, proteins shed from the cell membrane, and vesicle proteins (e.g., from exosomes and microsomal vesicles) [1,2]. These secreted proteins play important roles in homeostasis, immune response, development, proteolysis, adhesion, and extracellular matrix organization. The secretome is highly dynamic, and its composition changes in response to various pathologies and environmental stimuli. Intracellular pathway and network analyses can provide mechanistic insights by linking proteins to their underlying cellular functions and to other key players known to be involved in these events.

Unlike SVF Secretomes are manufactured by regulated pharmacy bodies. The cells can be used as regenerative or antiaging and can be directly injected into damaged joints, tendons or muscles or micro needled into facial and hand areas for a younger looking skin appearance.

How Can We Help with Secretome Treatments

Functional medical doctors utilise their specialised training to assist in finding the root causes of your complex and multifaceted illnesses and to provide holistic support to patients that is focused on each patient as an individual.

Cellf Solutions Secretome Treatments

If you’d like to discuss functional medicine care for yourself or a loved one, book an appointment.
